Friday, February 22, 2013

Bosnian woman

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Sixteenth of October 1992. The Ivanka Šućur near his building in Hrasnica near Sarajevo found Elvis Salkanović. It is now called the mother. At that time she had three children. Although it was the war and did not have enough food, Ivanka has decided to keep Elvis and gave him everything and their children.


"I believe in God since I can remember. My husband was killed on Mount Igman in August 1992. I lost it, but two months after his death I got Elvis. ... I passed the building that was formerly housed Tourist Bureau - in which I later found that child - and I did not see anything. When I poured the water, dropped a grenade. And then I heard a baby crying. He peered out of that room, came running up to me and grabbed me by the neck. I took him in his arms, and he squeezed me so much that I'm barely breathing. And he just sobbed and cried. He was scared so much that in the next four years was not told anything. The child was beautiful, had a ponytail and was dressed fine. At that point I thought he was straying. There was no one around, so I had to take it home. I left with a baby daughter, and I went with my son to look whose. We asked the refugees who were staying nearby, but each of them said, not his. Then I went to the police to report that I found a child and give them the address if it might be the mother asked. But when I came home, the daughter showed me a piece of paper that was found with him. It said that the mother died and the father fled, and to pray for the person who finds the child to take him to the police. On a piece of paper that said that the boy named Elvis Salkanović, that he was born in Capljina 9th January 1991. year. I again went to the police, handed them a slip of paper. The next day a social worker came and told the child to stay with me. Here he is with me today. Afterwards, I thought, why am I giving it? Since such people so I do not find it. He is with me, and let's. Recently we learned that the mother of Elvis alive. But he called me mother, daughter and Starry Sretenka sisters, my son, brother Goran. And my kids loved it ... My son was especially tied to Elvis. Goran is a lot of work that we had for food. I gave blood every week in order to get food parcels from the Red Cross. Under shells we went to Butmir to some women who had had a cow, so we brought milk. It's about neighbors who helped us, bringing flour and clothes ... Basically, it is nurtured, is alive and well. While growing up, there was a problem. But my kids are not even gold. It was difficult, especially in the school and neighborhood, among other children. Has a cruel people. Anything said to him. I do not know myself how I would feel if I were in his place. After learning that his mother was alive, he was certainly difficult. I told him about it I'm not saying anything bad. I told him that he may have left because he did not have what to feed them. Probably be reconciled with that. Is 18 years old and going to high school graphics. My daughters are already married, son works and will probably be and he soon married. My wish is to wait to finish school and Elvis, he has his job and family. While I'm alive, I'll take care of him. For me, each child is an orphan without a mother. His fate is like that. God brought him to me. In addition to Elvis, but 18 years to worry about Muslims in one neighborhood. Has 88 years, and her son was killed. No pension, just someone else's care. When I cook dinner, I cook for her. While I'm alive, Nani will miss. Because man does and does as he learned to can. I sure was hard, but otherwise I can not and I do not know ... In February of this year I received an award 'Dusko Kondor'. They all think that I got some money, but I did not. But this award is more valuable than money, "said the mother Ivanka Šućur BIRN-2009. year.

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