Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mario Monti in Sarajevo


Mario Monti: Sarajevo before the globalized Europe

Here are the most plays on humanity to unite diversity. I argue that the city has been globalized before the Europe, because here was the first world war, but the last European war. Balkans, as well as other parts of Europe, and the whole world, globalization makes fewer and smaller place, and feeds the hope that all people live in peace, says Monti


Italy's Prime Minister Mario Monti said in Sarajevo today, as the city, a witness extremely important events in European history before the globalized Europe.

Significance of Religion

Monti, in his address at the opening of the International Conference for Peace "Our future is to live together - Religions and Cultures in Dialogue", an organization which organization Sant'Egidio in Rome, thanked the organizers of this event. "In all these years we have realized how religions are important and what is their importance for peace and cohesion in the world. growing trend of globalization and impose our scenarios and new challenges. Among the first to see the challenge to create a society that lived and fed to the values ​​that make the world seem a better " Monti said.Italian Prime Minister said that the Balkan country and its very important for his country. He underlined that it is in Europe, the Balkans always represented a place where different people meet in their opposites, and the desire to live together. "This is the most plays on humanity to unite diversity. argue that the city has been globalized before the Europe, because here was the first world war, but the last European war. Balkans, as well as other parts of Europe, and the whole world, globalization makes fewer and smaller place, and feeds the hope that all people live in peace, "said Monti's. Stressing that the world faces today, not only with the economic and political crisis, but with a much stronger, Monti stressed that these are the crises that undermine human foundations on which Europe created. practice sharing Monti recalled that many nations and government decided to unite and to make available all of its assets in order to preserve peace, and stressed that the consolidation of currencies and markets in a very high point. He expressed the hope that the joint action of many countries in the union will bear fruit. "mere currency is the euro as a currency to be preserved, a top European Union and the risks that may be a problem even before the new lines of division. What is happening in the European Union is not only in Europe.'s not only the search for technical and political solutions to avoid such a thing, but strengthening senzibilititeta people against the value of tolerance and the pursuit of common goods and coexistence. these values ​​should characterize all our actions in the hope that our continent still remains pillar of humanity, "said Prime Minister Monti. He pointed out that in this respect, the EU can relive their globalization and preserve its top spot on the world stage. "That's the spirit, and I often ask at conferences, and is now here. outstanding value I am aware that graced this meeting representatives all religious communities in BiH, as well as around the world. I think she is positively develops real culture of coexistence in the sense that you, the people of different faiths, giving us a great example, "said Monti. "Are heavy construction, which should be time-consuming and great good to search for solutions. This is a goal that requires determination and patience that just you, people of faith, can offer. This is the meaning of today's meeting, which brings to mind the common life. transmit this way and young people meaningful messages for the hope of a better life and a better future, "he added. together in the futureMonti has said he is good to remind of nearby and distant history, which testifies to the fact that the union always prevails over separation, and tolerance over intolerance. Not easy to beat crisis, says Monti, and what can be seen in recent years. He pointed out that he did participate in overcoming, and not just on economic issues of the state, but also the awakening of optimism and faith in the people a future life. "In an effort to solve the crisis and finding a formula, you need to find what will make us ujedniti. I am a man from the economic sector, but I can attest that there is a trend in the industry to overcome the gaps and to move together toward the future, "said Monti.

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