Monday, May 28, 2012

Joska Fisher about Euro Zone

he disintegration of the Balkans euros closes the door of the Union

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Germany must not be the third time in a hundred years to break Europe, by order, "although now with the best intentions to preserve the European integration", the euro fell, and thereby the gate to enter the EU in the Balkans were slammed. This is an interview with Italian newspaper Korijere della Sera said the former head of diplomacy nemačke Joska Fischer, who stressed that "the political project of the Euro", and thus answer the question why Greece could not be "arranged in a way" to withdraw from the euro zone

Euro is added Fisher, "is supposed to be the force of political integration, which was the basic idea." Fisher, now head of strategic consulting firm for the "end Joska Fischer Company" stressed that nothing can be guaranteed to leave Greece in euro zone would not cause a collapse of confidence, the storming of the bank in Spain, Italy and probably in France - hence the financial avalanche that would buried euro.

"And then, what do you think that the Greeks did, once they were outside the euro," asked Fisher, and he said that Greece would "seek other partners, such as the example Russia, which is already ready and none of it is not says. "


"Then we said goodbye to the EU enlargement in Southeast Europe, the Balkans, European integration would be the end. It's crazy," says Fischer.

He discovered that "regardless of the different notions as to whether Turkey belongs to Europe, there is no doubt that the Balkans, an area laden with instability, a part of Europe, and to say nothing of the fact that Greece was thrown out of the euro pushed all the chaos ".

"Germany has on two occasions in the 20th century military means razed by itself and the European order, and then convince the West that was pulled out of all valid lesson," Fischer notes, adding that the Germans' only full acceptance Europe won approval for its unification ".

"It would be a tragic irony if ujedinjenjena Germany, by peaceful means and with the best intentions, caused a collapse of European order for the third time, and the risk is just that," Fisher concludes.

Former nemački Minister considers that Germany Angela Merkel kacelarka "short-sighted, because if the euro falls, all will be losers."

He concludes that "Chancellor Merkel just thinking of the next election, which is short-sighted calculations, because it is internally very weak, and Merkel is strong only if the Germany economy is strong." Fischer believes that it is precisely in the case of serious trouble for Germany and the euro economies suffered heavy blows and advocating for it to Berlin and accept that the greater part of those debts of highly indebted member Eurozone "evropeizuju", that is, being reluctant to Chancellor Merkel, introduce European bonds would be issued by the European Central Bank and thus the entire euro zone's ability to guarantee debt repayment.

Fischer seeks a unique tax-budgetary policy and economic government of the euro zone, which would all lead to a stronger EU political union. Germany would then rightly demanded fundamental structural reforms in the "weaker" members of the euro zone, with a view to their economies become more concretely and more efficient government.

"The key is that Germany with its economic power and resources to guarantee the survival of the euro zone," says Fischer, adding that the entire eurozone will then be able to resist the pressures of financial speculative markets.

He points out that "for Europe, the situation very seriously" and is very suspicious that something serious may be reversed, because you do not see the power and the leaders in Europe who would be able to take the necessary steps, "without which the danger of being destroyed miraculous feat two generations of Europeans. "

"I am very worried that the current strategy is obviously not worked, moreover, it is against democracy, as the results of the elections in Greece, France and even Italy," concludes Fisher.

He added that this strategy goes contrary to reality, since it is known that the experience of the crisis in 1929, deflationary policies in the United States and Weimar Chancellor Nemačkoj Bruniga, showed that "belt tightening during crisis leads right into a depression," a decline in production and economic growth.

Europe is now, says Fisher, "on the brink of the abyss," because if the euro falls. likely to occur in European countries closing their borders, which would lead to a dramatic global economic crisis, "and this is something that our generations, not gained."

Fischer believes that Europe, at least the euro zone, has to go to some kind of federation, and points to the example of America in 1871, when the first U.S. Secretary of Finance Alexander Hamilton "federalizovao" debts of the states that have gone bankrupt because of rebellion and war with England.

"Do not any of that, a young American confederation would be ruined," said Fischer.


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