In Cuba you can end up as homeless only if they are experiencing homelessness as a philosophical stance
Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Cuba in order to promote religion, but - judging by the statements - and politics.Shortly before his arrival in Cuba, the local authorities and the people said, "Marxism has failed." If the Pope truly think, then you obviously can not read the economic and other statistical data. people of Cuba are by far the highest life expectancy in the region, health and education is free for all, that no one was hungry or that he does not miss a roof over your head and still be countries concerned. After the collapse of the USSR and Cuba turned to permaculture and local agriculture, because today is perhaps the healthiest food in the world - the reorganization of the entire society would not have been possible without the timely and correct intervention of the state. Cuba was among the first countries in the world in the number of doctors per capita.
Example to all
Every resident of Cuba has a roof over their heads, the total rent he stands only 10% of annual salary. Hunger in Cuba is unknown. The average Cuban does not live in luxury, but it definitely has it all for a decent living - electricity, gas, TV, radio and other supplies are an integral part of almost every home . How many people today in the U.S. can only dream about these bases?
In Cuba you can end up as homeless only if they are experiencing homelessness as a philosophical stance, reports Cuba has a literacy of 99.8%, infant mortality is lower than in some developed countries. Cuba is the only country in the world that meets the standards of WWF renewable development - in other words, Cuba is the only model under which the world can not survive long. What Mr. Pope really wanted to say when, to the delight of corporate media around the world, said, "Marxism does not work ". Are these big successes in Cuba caused by themselves? For some inexplicable miracle? No, just Cuban socialism - as a direct source that uses the works of Karl Marx - is responsible for all this.
Cuba is not eligible to the media today would be looked at as the main guidelines which should go.U.S. sanctions and embargoes are breaking the introduction of state around the world, Cuba has pressed them for more than half a century, and despite that, despite all attempts at break, and continue to prosper and defies the whole human race. Why is Mr. Pope does not look back to other countries? Why not look a little Catholic flock that he now lives in Spain and Italy? What is there "failed"? Young people in Italy and Spain have no job, struggling for their own livelihoods, poverty escalates, people are fed by containers - but no, not a failed capitalism, but socialism. Why? Because religious leaders in Cuba are not sitting in golden chairs? Capitalism is the one that failed, capitalism is the one who has produced a system that is completely contrary to the teachings of Christ.
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle but a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven", is these messages that he sent Jesus to his disciples today, the Pope does not mean anything? Where is the world's largest gap between rich and poor? In Cuba? Or perhaps among the most advanced capitalism like the United States? Pope to the world as a learned man - then Pope surely knows that Cuba is not ruled by "Marxism" as it has always been the revolution brought Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and other revolutionaries 1959th
Before the socialist revolution, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America, the gap between rich and poor (the total income of the richest 10% of the population divided by the total income of the poorest 10%) was 1 in 64 - after the establishment of socialism, this ratio fell to 1 over 4th
But no, equality among people is not good - for the Pope is a failed system that needs to be changed as soon as possible to the neo-liberal. its petty political performance he has shown that the side supports. Today is trying to show images in the media that the people of Cuba welcomed the Pope and fanatically so eager that its economic and socio-political announcements come true. The truth is quite different - Eve was by no means spectacular. "Unlike Mexico, the crowd was far less enthusiastic", reports CBS News.
Papa Nez impact
Cubans are people who hold to the tradition, but it does not mean that the Pope has a great impact.
"If our children baptized in the Catholic Church, it is mostly for tradition, as they have worked our fathers and grandfathers. Priests will then say that all baptized Catholics, actually, but they themselves know that this is not true," said Lazaro Cuesta for Havana Times. Cuesta is a representative of the fastest growing religious community, but it is not Christianity but Santeria - the traditional African belief. Afro-Cuban saints and Orishas called them, by Lazaro Cuesta, believes about 80%. The Catholic Church strongly opposes this trend.
Why do so many Cubans are turning Santeriji, and not Christianity? Cuesta gives the following explanation: "Beauty is in Santerije how to deal with earthly problems like health, love, work ... We do not offer Santeriji in heaven, but we help each other to better our life here on earth."
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