Another common Bosnjak, primarily because it imposes such a politician watching, looking to Europe and the world and hopes to help primarily hence. They will not!

Professor. Dr. Asad Boškailo (54) survived the horrors of six concentration camps. He was born in Počitelj, and now lives in Phoenix. The psychiatrist is the Deputy Director for specialization, director of continuing education in the largest psychiatric hospital, "Associate Professor The University Arizona." Before that he was a doctor in Chicago, and completed his specialization in New York. As a visiting lecturer on his experience in Dretelj Herzegovina and other camps taught at the famous Harvard. release of the bookabout him was shot documentary film "From Auschwitz to Dretelj", which participates with other inmates and known journalist Mugdim Karabeg. By the end of the press and published his book on the author's experience. member of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS), which has about 200 members, distinguished professors from America and the successful scholars, writers and artists, in fact refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In April, with the other members BHAAAS a lecture in Sarajevo. At the time this interview started, Dr. Boškailo constantly on duty in addition to his 81-year-old mother Emine, which was performed open heart surgery, four built-in bypass. However, the scheduled interview at no time has not come into question. Soon your first book published in America, "Wounded I Am More Awake" ("I was wounded more awake"), you've written along with the famous journalist specializing in human rights Džulijom Lajblih ( Julia Lieblich), which monitors your story and after the war, but in general epics about the genocide in Bosnia. Where did this name? - The book will be published within a few weeks "Vanderbildt University Press," one of the most famous publishers of such literature in America. The title is taken from the poetry of Mak Dizdar, the song is called "involuntary military." That is, normally, a song which describes a state of mind of man, the good of Bosnia, which is intended fate of constantly going through "many military", and often other people's wars, but as a man, upright, more human than their human wounds. He says in the last verse of that song unsurpassed Mak: "Around the whisper in my life been in vain I do not know how to hurt like this but I'm awake I do not know how I'm going to give a blow to the latter of which Zlehudi now all I know Him and I ". Wounded awake Can Man that really hurt to be awake? - It is a psychological concept that man does not appreciate health before disease freedom before slavery, before the youth of old age ... Being shot means and knowledge about themselves and their environment. Normally I have is that after more than a year in concentration camps in Herzegovina alert and cautious, and ready for new knowledge and higher level of understanding. Viktor Frankel (Victor) said: "It is not necessary that a man finds meaning in life through suffering and trauma, but it is possible, despite the trauma, to make sense." Why are you inspired by Viktor Frankel, a man who survived the Holocaust? - Viktor Frankel's survived Auschwitz as a psychiatrist. His book "People are looking for meaning" ("Men search for meaning") talks about survival in the camp, the details of torture and torture and the psychology of relationships between prisoners and the guards. The book tells about just how traumatized the treatment of inmates. I, as a psychiatrist who survived six concentration camps, assisting those who have undergone severe trauma. So, we offer insights drawn from personal life, and rebuilt scientific research. I think it's the unique aspect in the treatment of trauma. How does the suffering in Bosnia in magnitude comparable to the suffering of Jews during World War II? - Putting it all again in the context of the authors who have survived planetary calamities such as the Holocaust, we are in Bosnia, who we are, the fact is, genocide survivors, every book of its kind, was the Second World War, a historical work, and therefore the comparative material. Hence, comparisons are inevitable, especially when it comes to the similarity of motives in undertaking ethnic cleansing. So, no matter what is done on our own, a local war in Bosnia, and, if you will, and only my personal suffering, it no longer belongs only to us, or just me. Exploring our recent history for future generations with a clear message to the end: "Never, under any circumstances, including war, you can not afford to torture another human being, because in fact there is no justification for torture, because one can always choose to be a man ". They do not conform to the torture of other human beings, we become better and more normal, we get a nicer, more humane, more reasonable. And in the end, so it becomes free.Destiny torturer who speak from personal experience or a doctor who is also a theorist? - I'm talking to is enough to look at the fate of some of us surviving inmates and compare them with the people who were tortured us. We are now free, and they, my God, no. You might think that they now live with yourself every day. What is the punishment would be the UN, one that has plagued other people. And I speak to and through the commitment that all the documents because, it said Mullah Mustafa Bašeskija, sometimes it seems that "what is not written, neither happened." And it happened. I can not repeat it! The price to touch the conspiracy theory, but I will ask whether we were in Bosnia Karadzic or someone else "guinea pigs" or just victims of pogroms ultranacionalnih? Can it be placed in the context in which the silence of Europe and the world of the atrocities in Bosnia were symptomatic? - intentionally or not, but we are examining how long we can endure. However, the humanistic perspective, the way the world looked the systematic destruction of everything that is Bosniak not talking about us but about the world and Europe. Unfortunately, we did not learn anything. Another common Bosnjak, primarily because it imposes such a politician watching, looking to Europe and the world and hopes to help primarily hence. They will not! They are not helped when we passed through the most difficult ethnic cleansing, which would help us in peace? We must help ourselves, and to Europe and the world will be more alert, he said Mak Dizdar. Where do these crimes need to be graded by the number of casualties, if the motive for the extermination of a population on racial, religious, ethnic essentially the same, regardless how dreadful the end results are different? - "Kill one man is as if you killed the whole world" and the teachings of Islam. Also, save one man is as if you saved the entire world. Unfortunately, most people who have not lost a family member, friend, neighbor can use gradation using crime figures. The most commonly used measurements of policies in the number of victims of calamities. You see, because here is this important human aspect of Islam, as a base to try to protect the inhuman aspect of politics. And so it is with us in the Balkans. You know, when you come to the clinic to seek medical help, because they suffer from post-war syndrome, no matter which ethnic group you belong to or whether you are coming from the people from which he died in five days or eight thousand five year eight million people perished. You end up damaged man who needs help and that in all possible ways to compensate. beginning of the war in former Yugoslavia marked the political activities of your colleagues by profession, psychiatrists Jovan Raskovic in Croatia and Bosnia, Radovan Karadzic. Are these psychiatrists were crazy when they initiated the war narrative from Knin to Livno continue, or are, however, only about soldiers superlucidnim exclusive national program? - Milosevic, Tudjman, Boban Martic ... were not psychiatrists, but they are deviant people destructive character. There are several reasons why many doctors involved in the policy of 90-ies. One reason for the specific occupations that are of common folk and even idealized. Some, like the doctor is, it will be correct and good, wants to help ... Another reason is that doctors have had some sort of freedom to say something bolder than others, due to their status in society who have enjoyed. Karadzic and Raskovic certainly were not criminals because they are psychiatrists, but, unfortunately, not only the ethics of doctors who help others replaced the killings. Hitler's adviser Himler was a doctor. He is one of the biggest criminals 20th century. more correct way What you say about the film Andjelina Đol (Angelina Jolie), "In the Land of Blood and Honey"? How do you interpret this collective hysteria in Serbia about this film which is attributed to the "anti-Serbian", presumably because of the "brutal" is true: the description of human tantosa the political level, it remains within the judgment of the UN tribunal on genocide in Bosnia? - Movies I watched in Phoenix. My friends, the Americans are much more difficult surviving film of us who survived the war. We are, to some extent, and desentitizirani not surprise us nothing, not one scene. Suffering in the camp and the city has outlined all the brutality of the crime, but "live" was much, much worse. Oh, now, why in Serbia led a campaign against the film and its presentation? Well nobody likes to see this truth about ourselves. No one likes to have his national narcissism hurt. It is much easier for someone in Belgrade said: "Well, somewhere in Bosnia was a war ... not that we were criminals ..." It is easier, but it only postpones confrontation with the truth. Here, a catharsis if you will. It is, therefore, may be "easier" for the moment, but nothing is resolved. It is better and more useful to consider all the elements of tragedy, because, otherwise, it means the consent of the membership society which could be attributed to the epithet - criminal. A movie, in fact, offers a different, more correct way of self-delusion. Are you saying that there is no cure self-deception and the right diagnosis? - Yeah. It's all a bit infantile. It is difficult now, although it was responsible humanist, a Serb to tell her child: "Listen, we are, unfortunately, a few days entered in a Bosnian town of Srebrenica, which was called, slaughtered more than ten thousand unarmed civilians, women, children ... "Instead of trying to justify all this variety of bizarre. Some find it easier to bid figures and it is easier to say that Anđelina Đol "on the side of the Bosnians," and because the film should be banned. This is nonsense. Of course it is a political defeat and admit that the smaller BH entity founded on genocide, as described in the film, partly because it is a one story, about the suffering of one group of people in a range of national atavizma the terrible Balkan Venda, desire for revenge and without forgiveness. So, far from the stereotypes that are attributed to the film of the same mindset, which is a haven rogue? - Anđelinin movie right from the psychological point is not at all "black and white", which is placed on each side or the other. That is why some rulers and rocked in Belgrade and Banja Luka from the ground up. Hence the fear, but he is not a collective fear, but rather those who fear their privileged political and interest positions for 20 years to build the collective fears. But what is individually Anđelina film undressed, I seem to bestial ease in human beings and what more is there to do what someone could be afraid about it? - Unfortunately, aggression is an integral part of every living thing. The second part is the goodness. When an ordinary man becomes aggressive, killed people in his environment. When you score the right leader who is aggressive, people die. Ghazali, Islamic philosopher, is nicely explained, that in every community the vast majority of those who hear and obey. A lot of smaller groups, one that the government, consists of two sets of leaders: good and evil. fate of entire communities that depend only on whether the group will be stronger for good or ill. Unfortunately, these 90-year ruled the evil people and we got what we got. Anđelina is, as you say, undressed the aggressiveness of those who ruled and had a weapon. But he showed the good part of human existence and the ancient battle between good and evil within a man, who eventually admits: "I am a war criminal."Therefore, his confession only scares those who close their eyes to the truth and the alternative that such recognition brings. aspect of forgiveness Have you forgiven your tormentors in Dretelj? What do you wear in camp as an experience that you never forget? - has long interested me aspect of forgiveness. I've heard of public figures in Bosnia phrase: "To forgive and not forget." I must say that I disagree with that. In our society people are looking for forgiveness from each other if you commit a mistake. In this situation, I agree that it can be forgiven. Well you know, when the funeral man slaughter, hodza loudly asking in the name of the deceased, "whether we halaliti him." We, the Muslims, we now offer forgiveness, and that none of us do not pray. Dretelj is a crime that has not been sanctioned.Thousands of Bosnians have passed through Dretelj, were tortured by neighbors and acquaintances.There I lost weight at least 40 pounds. In Dretelj I had put up a head of power. They shot at us through the thin metal wall of the hangar and cut a living skeletons. I took out a needle round bursts and razor blades, which are labeled "sterilized" cigarette lighter. No water, no food, hellish temperatures ... What if I may say so, "samoterapiju" apply to himself? - Now, "SELF-THERAPY" applied positive psychology from comparing their experiences with others. Better is my neighbor when we analyze, the guards in concentration camps in Herzegovina with us, we survived. One of Dretelj manager once told me before at least one hundred prisoners, "Doctor, I will one day hiding in Argentina, and thou shalt be free and proud." And he was right. And what about, say, you advise women who are victims of war, those in this film, "In the Land of Blood and Honey"? - As women, victims of rape and torture, I must admit this is the hardest part of my job. There is no psychological and philosophical background to compare the torture, but I have a right to say their opinion, and that is that rape is a difficult one hundred days of the camp. Imagine my clinic in Phoenix when I was every woman, a patient from Srebrenica story: "They killed my husband , father, brother, son ... ", what I, an ordinary doctor, you tell them? That will cure them? I can only offer understanding and patience to try to bring their hearts to be with them in their grief and loss, because their loss can never be replaced. I do not think that such a role for the man must be a psychiatrist, but we are educated to know himself to preserve the so-called. secondary trauma, those resulting from listening to stories, which I do not have the heart to name in this interview. How, indeed, to find peace after a planetary tragedy and whether the trauma of such intensity as happened in the country before the 20-odd years ever cured? - Peace can also be found after such a tragedy, but as long as people chose to be aggressive leaders, there will be no peace in us or around us. It is time that the Bosnians themselves choose their destiny and not waiting for Europe and the world to help them.Peace will be when elected leaders are more like Bosnia than their position. Or, as you said, Jimmy Hendrix (Jimy Hendrix), deliverance will come "when the power of love is stronger than the love of power."And can the people in Bosnia and its environment "cured" at least so far as to their wounds, their ancestors Golgotha or their personal suffering ceases to be a danger that we have already seen evil, only makes it worse each time, again cyclically repeated? - Healing is the medical term rarely used in psychological trauma. People need to process it through what they went through and pull out the meaning of life. In this case, the recovery process is just beginning. We will not repeat if we become more alert. We must forgive, and to us for no one asks. We must not close our eyes - We had a period after the Second World War when our parents hid Foča and other calamities, hoping that will never happen again. It is obvious that it was wrong. I did not because the whole future of the building just remembering the genocide through which we passed. We have to make a balance in order that our children live in peace. Blind eye to this risk means that we can all happen again. We must, therefore, we as individual people to change - says Dr. Boškailo. National Party should go away - It is obvious that their Dayton did. These signature stopped the war, killing, and he ended up this role. Now we must move on to reconstruction of the Constitution with guaranteed human rights of all who live there. If you like, it is a requirement for human health. The national parties have helped to replace the communist democracies, but it did not lead a full democracy. They did the job and should disappear. in Bosnia can not be democracy as long as there is a national party. I understand ordinary Serbs in Bosnia that he likes the RS, because he has this idea for years imposed as a kind of security. I understand that that ordinary Serbs in Bosnia do not want to accept the truth that the RS was created and the territorial and political crimes and genocide. But, I can understand that the leaders of the Croatian people (religious and secular) celebrate this genocidal creation - says our source. Nijaz Durakovic has kept the chains on the eyelids Your book is dedicated in some way by the "strong", survivors of the war in BH, which poet Avdo Sidran classified into those who "die now, because they think they have survived." A few days ago he left us, your countryman, Professor Nijaz Durakovic. He went and Nedzad Watros, who so often mentioned. What is it that kills the Solid fighters, people who do not look sick? - kill them sketchy justice and injustice. Nijaz Durakovic was one of the most educated Bosnians 20th century. He was at a meeting of the Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina in January 1992. said: "So long, my comrades, my brothers and sisters, keep the chains on the eyelids? smell of incense spread Bosnia and Herzegovina and threatens to turn many dangerous fire that does not know that we are so close." Professor Durakovic was is one of those who did not keep the chains on the eyelids, Nedzad Watros was my favorite writer since high school days. I think that his work "The Book of Adam KAHRIMAN written Nedžad Ibrisimovic" should be read in any Bosnian home. This is called life is now in Bosnia is more of a "dying", not survival.
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